Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Keying the Gears

The show at J.S. Bean Factory was a good time! The morning was relatively busy and the lulls in the afternoon were filled with the excellent company of friends and some browsers!
It turns out that being one of the later vendors to pack up has unexpected advantages in last-minute adoptions!

Which brings me to the theme (and title and creation) that you see above. Each show brings an opportunity to organize processes both at-show and in-studio upon each return. We always return with more ideas, suggestions and !happily! usually with commissions or custom requests. What I'm focusing on though is on tweaking what is in place, adjusting and sometimes stepping outside the process or adding another gear-set (as it were) in developing all of this into the full magnificence I've envisioned.
I suspect this will be an on-going journey.
Thank you for joining me on it!

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