Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Whimsy Wednesday! Sparkling in the New Year!

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the first Whimsy Wednesday of the 2014!
This is going to be a MAGNIFICENT year!
Let me take a moment to THANK all of you who have walked with me through 2013 and I look forward to sharing Spritely Goodness with you throughout this new year! YAYYYYY!!!
I'm so privileged to share these shinies I received on New Year's Eve!
Aren't these lovely?!  I recently placed an order with the good folks at to obtain materials for a necklace repair I've been asked to do and received these beauties as well!
What a magnificent way to start out the year!!
May this year be filled with treasures and shinies for all of us!!


Legalese: I have received the following products free of charge from and I am honestly reviewing them. I have not been paid for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received: Swarovski crystal beads.

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