Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finding Direction...

This week has been a series of changes in direction thus far. There are so many tasks to be done before the rain descended upon us..which it has. There are directions of new business tools, creation, research of opportunities, etc. balanced with infrastructure and life tasks.
My friend used that term - infrastructure - for home tasks and I like it very much. I believe I will adopt it, with her permission, of course!

With the rain continuing, my mood is thoughtful and so a series of charms and new shinies that I obtained at Supercon spoke to me today. Which is what this photo shows below.

I loved how the circle of beads and pendants formed a circle within the circle of the compass rose.

The small square charm with the star and wines inside came home with a quote. This charm is an artists' interpretation of Believe. The quote is from Anatole France and reads, "...To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also Believe"
This is what is percolating around in my mind today as I travel through my day.
I'll leave you with a bit of whimsy. This is the same arrangement as above, but a orange and yellow tiger snuck into the photo! See him there, hanging out just in the range of the camera? How could you not love this??!

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