Monday, May 13, 2013

Magical Monday! Tricks of the Light!

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Magical Monday!
I hope your weekend was chock-full of fun!
I have all sorts of colourful nifties to share with you today that play with the light!
Let's start with the inside of a building first!
Credits and details are here Isn't that just gorgeous!!!
I think I could pull up a chair and watch the colours change as the sunlight moves across the room all day!!

Let's move outside and into the public space now, to a Water Tower converted into public art!
I love the idea that something mundane and unusually so visually unappealing could become a source of price and colour to an entire community! Details and credits are here.

As we near the end of this post, we move out into the world, once beach at a time!
Isn't that just awesome, vibrant and fun!? 
Credits and details are here!
It seems some research is in order to find out where to procure such a beauty!

So! Let me mention a few upcoming events!!! 

Saturday, May 18th only! 
Many of you have seen me at this Faire offering my Sprite Creations jewellery and creations. 
However! For the first time ever!!! I'll be offering Faerie Readings during this fundraising-event! 
There will be good food, hand-made art of all kinds and wonderful insights offered, so consider joining us! 

Tuesday, May 21st from 3 to 3:30pm (CST, USA) with Cheryl Patton of 1Woman's Wisdom! 
Join us to see what insight the Faeries have for the month of May! 
See you Monday!

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