Monday, January 30, 2012

Magical Monday! Building and Bridges!

Welcome to Magical Monday!! I hope your weekend was fabulous!
As I was gathering inspiration for this post, I noticed a theme. Much of what caught my attention are mechanical things, things involving building and so forth (hence the title of the post!). This is probably only natural as I continue to refine and reorganize my own studio and a bit of the environment around me! Perhaps it is also makes sense in that, for many cultures, Winter has been or is a time of restricted outdoor activity, so thoughts naturally turn to how to improve those things close to heart or home. With that said, let's take a look at the first goodie I have for you today!

This photo has been titled Making A Bridge, though I can't seem to find whom to credit for the photo nor any information about which bridge is being built and etc. The original link to it is epic win photos - Making a Bridge WIN
There is not much that I don't love about this photo...including the working man standing casually on two cables very very high above a big bunch of water!

The second goodie I have for you is a video! It is a bit long at just under 17 minutes, but is smartly made and clips right along. Of course, I LOVE the subject of the video and am so impressed by the lady who is featured in it!
Here it is then, for your viewing pleasure:
One Woman's Quest to Build Her Own Tardis!

So delightful! YAY! Perhaps *I'll* attempt to build my own Tardis now!!!
Hmmm.. where did I leave those tools?.....

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