Friday, June 8, 2012

Fini Friday! Raw Materials!

Hello Hello! Welcome to Fini Friday! I've some new acquisitions and raw materials to show you as well as a fun little bit of bartering that was completed at the Johnstock last weekend! But first! New goodies!

What a neat little collection of bits, huh? I think so!
Let's move from left to right in identifying what you see here! At the top left is a little box I found in my Walkabout yesterday! It has a little latch and a faux leather interior and I think it might be destined to be a table display! In the lower left, we see an Art card from Pamela Watson! It is a little note that she sent my way as we communicated back and forth regarding her Custom Creation! It is so lovely to be able to create art for an artist! YAY!
As we gaze at the top right of the photograph, we see a collection of bottles (also procured on yesterday's Walkabout) that I intend to fill with interesting things and to become pendants! Or.....?
And finally, we spy a locket-watch in the center! Yup! That watch is open, so you can see the face of the watch in the photo. It closes up just like a pocket watch into a little ball! And it opens by depressing the top, just like a pocket watch! Fabulous!

This last photo is of a pixie skirt which is the result of bartering with Ava of LivingTreeDesigns, who was a booth neighbor at Johnstock! She creates fabulous clothing (and more) out of upcycled fibers and in this raw style of serged edges as hems! I fell in love with this pixie skirt as soon as I saw it! It is really as soft as it looks and the colours are wonderful and vibrant! YAY! More Faerie gear!

Speaking of Faeries...check out my BlogTalk Radio Interview with Cheryl Patton of 1Woman's Wisdom!  Tuesday, June 19th 3-4pm (CST, USA) 
We'll be chatting about Faerie Message #8!

That about wraps this post up!
I hope you have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

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