Monday, June 11, 2012

Magical Monday! Surprises and Wormholes!

Hello Everyone! 
Welcome to Magical Monday! 
I hope your weekend was awesome! Mine was! I celebrated my birthday over the weekend and it was a grand time! I was able to spend time with my sweetie and those who are close to me and open presents (I love the surprises unveiled as each one is opened!) and eat (really good!) cake and it was excellent! 
Speaking of birthdays (and surprises), which naturally leads into talks of time and perhaps even the time-space continuum (!)....I've some fun things lined up for you today! 
First, in honor of dramatic summer storms and magnificent lightning (which can certainly be a surprise!), I give you this: epic win photos - KRAKOOM WIN
Isn't that amazing?!

This next photo really amuses me and I hope it does the same for you! epic win photos - Accidental Wormhole WIN

And finally, a video of a beautiful and surprising audition on America's Got Talent! Definitely worth watching for the entire thing!
Wasn't that magnificent!?!

Speaking of voice talents (I hope!)...check out my BlogTalk Radio Interview with Cheryl Patton of 1Woman's Wisdom!  Tuesday, June 19th 3-4pm (CST, USA) 
We'll be chatting about Faerie Message #8!

See you on Wednesday!

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